Teacher Pay in Florida Ranked 50th in US
Fla Teacher Pay Ranked 50th in US
Pre-K through college teachers in Florida make an average of $53,098. NEA data shows the national average is $69,544.
The reports are adjusted for inflation, which reveals that teachers are making 5% less than they did 10 years ago. NEA has been tracking data for 14 years, gathering data which shows the starting teacher salary is now $4,273 below the 2008-09 level.
Florida's per-student average is $12,488, ranking the sunshine state 42nd overall in the country. Reports come as the Florida legislature approved increases in the amount of money it allocates to schools based on student body size. Video
Education Leaders Discuss Teacher Pay
Florida Ranks #50 in the Nation in Average Teacher Pay
Florida education leaders held a virtual press conference today to discuss the current state of public education in Florida and Florida’s dismal average teacher salary ranking.
a drop from previous years despite the state’s thriving economy. Students also continue to deal with the burden of a critical teacher and staff shortage.
“Once again, despite a thriving economy, Florida is failing to prioritize the needs of students by not fairly compensating teachers and staff,” said Andrew Spar, President of the Florida Education Association. Video
Are South Florida teachers paid enough to live comfortably?
On a bright Monday morning, Indian River County educator Mary-Stephanie Hiller promptly pulls up to the Board of Education building in Vero Beach.
She cheerily grabs her bag and badge, enthusiastically greeting the many people she passes by name as she strolls into the front office. "You ready for a great school year?” Hiller asks with gusto.
Hiller, now in her 30th year of teaching, was born and raised in Indian River County. For her, overseeing the math curriculum for the district she grew up in is a dream come true, and she's equally thankful she can afford to live in the same county she works in. It's part of the reason she's not going anywhere. Video
Teacher Raise... Isn't enough.
Florida ranks second-worst in teacher pay nationwide, according to the National Education Association (NEA). The average starting salary for teachers in Florida is $48,286, according to the governor’s office. The national average starting teacher salary is $44,530, according to the NEA.
The average teacher salary in Florida, according to the union, is $53,098, more than $16,000 below the national average of $69,544. Article