Follow the Money

  • Florida Edu Budget 24-25

    Problems in Florida’s public education system exacerbated by COVID-19 persist even in a post-pandemic era. On the supply side, childcare shortages continue statewide due to staffing shortages.[1] On the demand side, parents continue to be faced with childcare costs that place a significant strain on their household income. Article

  • 5 Ways Florida Lawmakers Can Raise Revenue

    n 2016, Florida voters adopted a constitutional amendment that requires the Legislature and the Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR) to develop a Long-Range Financial Outlook (LRFO) that offers an overview of the state’s financial position for the next three fiscal years. Article

  • Fully Funding Florida's K-12 Public Schools

    Providing a quality education to all of Florida’s students is a core constitutional responsibility of our state government and critical to economic growth. Adequate state funding for education provides the foundation for students to compete in an ever-changing economy, and it helps to attract highly qualified teachers and maintain the equity and fairness of Florida’s education system. Article