STAND UP to keep politics out of education:

We need to strengthen democratically elected school boards, not weaken them.

STAND UP for well funded public schools:

Support policies that strengthen public schools, nationwide, statewide, and locally - including full-funding of public education. Speak out against school privatization.

Take the Pledge to


for Public Schools

What is the Pledge to STAND UP for Public Schools?

How can we as a community come together to address the unprecedented challenges that public schools face today?

How can we bridge the differences and divisions that are so strongly evident at recent school board meetings?

History shows that when we work together across our differences, we can accomplish great things for ourselves, our loved ones, our neighbors, and especially our children.

We call on all supporters of public education, including citizens, organizations, and faith-based groups, to unite and

Take the Pledge to:

STAND UP for high-quality, equitable education for all public school students:

Public school students deserve an outstanding education that is rich in the arts and sciences, safe and caring, diverse and inclusive.

STAND UP for truth in learning and truth in teaching:

Public school students deserve accurate history and science lessons that help them become critical thinkers. Stop the distortion of history, particularly Black history. Stop all curriculum censorship.

Every child, regardless of where they come from, what they believe in, how they identify, or who they love, deserves to have a high-quality TRUE education.

Please join our multi-cultural, multi-racial coalition of organizations and faith-based groups and work with us to make public schools the best that they can be.

Support the students and families in your community and STAND UP for public schools.